Channel Sales Knowledge Management
Channel Sales
InfiniteKM transforms the way you interact with and engage your sales channels to ensure consistent CX.  Accelerate the flow of role-based critical business information - that can all be distributed to the channel(s) through a single, customizable portal. Modules for sales enablement, communications and rep-level incentive programs underpinned with online training increase the excitement and engagement to drive revenue growth.  

The Cloud based architecture enables full or modular integration into existing portal infrastructures, CRM and security frameworks.


Infinite Presenter

Inspire your audience with dynamic multi-media presentations for communication and learning. The ultimate tool for online presentations and knowledge sharing.
Analytics Analytics

Analytics provide insight into trends in behavior and gaps in knowledge.  Take reporting to the next level with Infinite Dashboards, amalgamating a number of reports and actionable drill downs.
Workflow Engine

The Workflow Engine is used to accomplish all sorts of tasks including submissions, automated reconciliation and sequential or parallel approval chains. Not only does it automate business processes and approvals, but also captures and reports on process-centric performance metrics.
Marketing Library

Rapidly cut costs, create sales, deliver creative content and inspire your workforce. This digital asset repository provides centralized distribution control and management of print materials and other collaterals.
Proposal Generator

Give your team the power to generate proposals quickly with current pricing and legal. Enable efficient co-branding and ensure proposals are always produced with brand consistency.

Motivate your Direct and Channel Sales Force. Provide Rewards, Incentives and genuine Recognition to elevate performance and increase sales, market share and knowledge.

More Modules Available. Click Here To View.

Implementation, development, configuration, and training for InfiniteKM is all provided in-house by InfiniteKM’s Professional Services team.


  We want to hear from you! 

Contact us to learn more about how the InfiniteKM Platform can accelerate growth and improve your business!
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Tel. (416) 367-0123  Fax (416) 366-1244
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