Success in Reducing Tranfusion Rates
The figure below shows the reduction in annual provincial transfusion rates in Ontario in knee arthroplasty and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery since initiation of the ONTraC program in 2002. Not only has there been a significant reduction in proportion of patients transfused but those who are transfused are requiring less blood
Published ONTraC Articles
Freedman, J. (2016) Transfusion Medicine: Time for a change: Patient Blood Management and the Ontario ONTraC Program Perioperative and Critical Intensive Care Nursing
Freedman J (2014) The ONTraC Ontario program in blood conservation Transfusion and Apheresis Science 50 (2014) 32-36
Freedman, J., Luke, K., Escobar, M., Vernich, L., & Chiavetta, J.A. (2008, February). Experience of a network of Transfusion Coordinators for blood conservation (Ontario Transfusion Coordinators [ONTraC]). Transfusion, 48, 237-250.
Luke, K. & Freedman, J. (2007, Spring). Ontario Transfusion Coordinators (ONTraC), A Provincial Blood Conservation Program. SABM Newsletter 3(1), 2-3.
Freedman, J. (2005). Theme issue on Ontario initiatives in blood conservation and blood management (editorial). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, 33, 315-316.
Freedman, J., Luke, K., Monga, N., Lincoln, S., Koen, R., Escobar, M., & Chiavetta, J. (2005). A provincial program of blood conservation: The Ontario transfusion coordinators (ONTraC). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, 33, 343-349.
In 2004 ONTraC was awarded The Ortho-Clinical Diagnostic National Best Practices Award at the Ontario Health Association's Health Achieve conference